Maryknoll, a Catholic non-profit mission movement now comprised of four organizations, has been the heart and hands of the U.S. Catholic Church’s overseas mission work for more than 100 years.

Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers
All Catholics are called to become missionary disciples through baptism. We Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers follow Jesus in serving the poor and others in need in over 20 countries.

Maryknoll Sisters
Maryknoll Sisters give witness to God’s love and devote our lives in service overseas helping the poor, the ailing and the marginalized in 24 places around the world. Our mission began in 1912, when we became the first group of Catholic Sisters in the U.S. founded for overseas mission.

Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Committing to 3 ½ (or 2 ½) years of overseas service, Maryknoll lay missioners — single people, married couples and families — collaborate with local communities in Africa, Asia and the Americas, responding to basic needs and helping to create a more just and compassionate world.